By purchasing a qualifying product using the Flex Pay option, Customer is agreeing to the Flex Pay Plan Agreement, effective at date of purchase as outlined below.
I. PARTIES. The Monthly Payment Plan Agreement (Plan Agreement) is between Creditor: DT Outdoor Industries Inc (DBA, PO Pox 279 Hopewell Junction NY 12533, and Debtor, known here within as "Customer".
II. BALANCE. At the time of this agreement, Customer owes the creditor the total amount specified during the online checkout process which will also be noted on the Flex Pay invoice. This total will be the sum of total qualifying product/s purchase price, plus any applicable tax, and shipping.
III. REPAYMENT PLAN. To satisfy the amount owed, the Customer agrees to repay the creditor under the following terms:
a. Down-payment. Customer agrees to pay initial down payment for amount of $300.00 USD per qualifying product.
b. Balance of checkout / invoice total will be split into 3 equal monthly payments
c. Monthly payments will automatically be charged to credit card on or about 15th of each month until total balance is satisfied
IV. DEFAULT TERMS. In event Customer does not fulfill monthly agreement term within 15 days of scheduled payment date, a 15% interest rate will be applied to each monthly outstanding balance. If three months of payments is more than 30days past due, Customer agrees Creditor has authority to charge the credit card for total amount due plus interest accrued. In event for credit card declines, and further non-payment Creditor reserves all rights at their discretion and the expense of Customer to take legal action to recover amounts due.
V. QUALIFYING PRODUCT. Any single item with retail price of $599.99 or more, prior to any discounts, tax, and/or shipping being applied.