Joining Team Reign360 staff is an opportunity to share your hunting experiences and passion with the outdoor community while promoting our brand. Ambassadors will be compensated through our NEW 1099 commission based program
and/or exclusive discounts while enjoying additional benefits.
In addition to the platform we provide to share your story, you'll also receive the following:
Field Ambassador Benefits
- 1099 based commission program
- $75 off Reign360 Treestand
(up to 2)
- Exclusive ReignGear & Partner Discounts
- Ambassador Decal
- Logo Decal
- Reign From Above Decal
- Ambassador T-Shirt
Team Reign360 Requirements Summary*:
-Purchase or Sell minimum of
Reign360 treestand
during 2023 calendar year
-Share all posts generated by
-Promote's Outfitter & Clubs Program to your local organizations
-Actively promote through all social media outlets on a regular basis (Active
means: minimum 1 original post per month with tagged)
-Adhere to respectful and ethical code of conduct (this includes following any social media platform rules)
*Full details available within 1099 Contract.